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I recently read the book Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara, after watching the phenomenal series, The Bear. Will Guidara writes about the difference it makes in business when we exceed people's expectations, not just clients but also employees. In my years of experience in business I know this to be true-giving gifts, or going out of our way to help or provide an extraordinary service can make all the difference. It brings us, the gift-givers joy and happiness as well as the employee or co-worker who receives the gift. (Research by Elon University)

As I talk to businesses I continue to be surprised that they have no employee gift or appreciation program. Our employees are what make our businesses run well, they are the face of our company and the executors of our mission. Added bonuses from gift giving mean a tremendous amount to  them and to the company.

employee gift giving

These are the 4 overwhelming benefits of giving gifts to employees 

Previous research published in the American Economic Review found that gifts boosted performance by 25%, even more than cash. What’s more, these gifts don’t just result in short-term improvements. According to a 2022 holiday gifting study by Tremendous, 74% of respondents who received company gifts felt a boost of satisfaction for three months or more, with another 46% saying it lasted one year or more. However, unthoughtful gifts will likely go unappreciated.” 

Have you ever worked for a company who gave gifts? Do you remember how it felt?

When I look back at my career the moments when I was recognized or given an unexpected gift are always the first things I remember. Each time I was re-energized and eager to do better or to do more. It improved my outlook for the company and definitely bonded me to my bosses. 

No matter what my financial position was in my businesses I always tried to do special things for my staff, birthday gifts, holiday gifts, whatever I could to let them know how much I appreciated them, and how important they were to my company. In fact, gift giving doesn’t have to break the bank. Simple gifts, small gestures mean just as much. Thoughtfulness is more important than money spent. Having said that I wouldn’t recommend leftover SWAG from corporate events, or something equally as thoughtless and effortless, that will have the opposite effect.

gift bag with gift

"The average cost per employee when turnover occurs is around six to nine months of an employee's salary, though in some cases it can cost up to twice the amount of the employee's annual wages."   Career Builder

These costs should speak volumes to us as business managers and owners. But there is more than just these costs. Think of client relations as well. How your employees feel is reflected in the job they do and often in how willing they are to go above and beyond for clients or for you as the manager or owner. By acknowledging our employees, by showing our appreciation we create a culture of going above and beyond, there is a culture of giving. This culture flows through to your clients, bonding them to your company and your employees. Is there a price too high for excellent client relations and client retention?

“There are few things that will energize you more than seeing the complete joy on someone’s face when they receive a gift you are responsible for giving them.” -Will Guidara

As I mentioned before, acknowledgements don’t have to be grand gestures. They can be simple things, they can be birthdays and holidays, or promotions. Imagine if you gave an employee a few extra hours off, with pay one afternoon. Or if they received holiday gifts that showed you were thinking of them. Find something unique to show you put some effort into their gift. Buy them something handmade to show you think they are worth the effort of going beyond Amazon for gift giving. Your employees or co-workers know how much thought you are putting into gifts, so give them something unique to show you think they are worth it. In fact include a note saying how unique and special you think each of them is and this is your way of showing that. These little gestures change the culture in your company, or department. 

During my career I worked for a company who had a person in charge of gift giving. That person loved this responsibility. They loved bringing joy to their co-workers.Their joy spilled over and instead of a resentful huff, or an “Are you kidding, my company would never give us anything extra” when asked about gift receiving this company’s employees enthusiastically responded “Yes! We do receive gifts!” They felt valued, no matter how big or small the gifts were, they felt noticed, and appreciated. They told other people about it outside of work. This buys your company and you good will as well, who wouldn’t want to work for a boss like that? 

“People will forget what you do; they’ll forget what you said. But they will never forget how you made them feel.” -Will Guidara

employee gift giving at work

If you manage a group of people, instead of owning the company, it is worth making the argument with your boss to have a budget for gift giving. Fostering happiness and joy in your department can have a big impact on your career as well. If your department is happy they are more productive which means you look better to your superiors, it is an investment in your future with the company as much as in the happiness of your department. 

“By showing your coworkers or employees you appreciate them, you reflect the fact that you care about the work you're doing. Giving gifts sends the message that work is a priority and that work relationships are an important part of that. This can ultimately end up positively impacting your success at the company and the way that your employees see you.”  

"Lower turnover means your department or business avoids the high cost of hiring and training new employees. It also helps your reputation in that potential hires can see employees are so content at their job they don’t leave."

Employee gift giving is worth the investment for you, for your clients and for the people you entrust to represent you and your company. 

“It feels great to make other people feel good.” -Will Guidara

Handmade, Sustainable and Unique Employee Gift Suggetions: 

These are a few handmade gift suggestions that can show your employees you care enough to get them something unique, high-quality and handmade. 

marble christmas tree employee gift

The elegant marble christmas tree is made from two pieces of Tuscan marble which interlock to form a perfect holiday tree. They are carefully cut and polished in the hills of Tuscany near the Carrara mountains. 

mini wood vase employee gift

In each mini wood vase, Leonardo has tried to respect the natural form of the tree and capture its essence. Each time you place a small plant in one of his mini vases, you will be able to bring some of that magic into your home or office.

murano glass plate employee gift

Give a little luxury with a handmade Murano glass plate, painted with the phrase of your choice in 24kt gold. A gorgeous piece that is customized for you.

tusan marble puzzle corporate gift

The marble puzzle great way to show your staff that they are the piece that makes your company complete. Can be ordered in puzzle size ranging from 1 piece to 25 pieces. The puzzle can be etched with a message or logo if you like.

house in the forest plate employee gift

A handpainted and handmade plate, in 24kt gold, moon shines over the House In The Woods Murano Glass Plate. Set in the woods the landscape is handpainted in black with highlights of 24kt gold. 


forest murano glass plate employee gift

A handpainted, in 24kt gold, moon shines over the Forest Murano Glass Plate. Pine Trees stand tall under the 24kt gold stars, shimmering against the white plate. The forest landscape is handpainted in black with highlights of 24kt gold. 

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